Wednesday 24 August 2011

Welcome to Technology Century!

                                     You are ENTERING to technology century!

Marching to the week 4, "Network Citizen" written by Peter Bradwell & Richard Reeves is the reading for this week. In the "Network Citizen", the writers are make three chapters which are technologies, economies, and also ecologies. Today, I gonna discuss about the technologies.

As compared to the last decade or century, our life had significantly shift towards an green technology environment. We started to decrease our usage of paper and making good use of recycling the paper. As the times change, we are tend to use the convenient of the technology and now email and or social network had become our "green" paper. The information had eventually evolved from tangible forms to intangible forms. Knowledge becoming the important issues in this information age. We are starting using the technology to help us in getting a better quality outcome and also helps us to do the things that we can't do. Technology definitely help us to extend our ability. Do you agree?

Still, we are surrounded by the term "Network". Everywhere is the network. From the people around you, the object, the pictures, the status update, it seem to become part of your network. Relationship is the network. Totally puts my hands up to agree. Relationship between you and your family, friends, colleagues or even online friends are a part of your network. 

On the other hand, network also commonly spot in the organizational. In organizational, the network seem to be formal as compare to the personal when it's years before the technology are monopoly the industry. The network between the boss and the subordinates. Manager and staff. The combination of the network are more like bureaucratic way. 

But the pattern of network had changed. With the help of technology, the relationship or network in an organization or big company will slightly tend to goes into a gray boundaries. The subordinates will still completing their job but at the same time, they are also using the technology to maintain their network such as going for social website. This may be the dark side of an network that provided by technology.

Technology had let us build up our network and connection easily. Technology is like catalyst. It making us exposed to visible world faster. When you want to curious and want to find out something, do you eventually go to the library and flip through the books or just go online and search? Which one is more effective and fast? The answer is obvious, isn't?

Social networking are building up the connection in the fast rate. The users are increasing rapidly in every year. Technology had allowed people to use the social networking for variety purpose. Nowadays people are not using Internet as just to access to the information but also seek for entertainment purpose. Same goes to social networking sites, people are not only using for socialize but it also for building up their network.

People will find their friends online even though they know them physically and personally. They will concern about their status update and also their friends. Some social networking had provided some features such as "tagging" people in the pictures. The users can tag the picture by typing their friend's name. This is unintentionally sharing the pictures of themselves. Take an example, when you looks to a very nice video, will you sharing in the Facebook? Some may but for me, Yes. For me, I think that this act is not just for sharing purpose but for defining or branding your image to the outside world. The people can choose how and what the world see them.
There may have other purpose in using social networking sites. Many peoples sign up for social network is not for entertainment but most probably is for their own business. Many news ways of business had been created such as blog shop or online shopping nowadays as the technologies had provided the easier way of the connection. People now using social networking sites such as Facebook to open up their business. Or also create a website to introduce and sells their products. The shop is in virtual but the business is real!

Technology had remind me about a new word--produser. This word is the combination of the producer + user. We are now not only consume the Internet as a user but we also produce something in the Internet such as music or video. For example, we can produce a music video and post it YouTube. It's not only sharing but at the same time also see how people react with the network. People may view it and give some opinions. Same as the example at the paragraph above.

At the end of the day, I believed that technology had eventually broaden our network but at the same time it had also increase the time for us to sit down in front of computer or mobile phone to access the Internet. Illegal downloading had eventually bring down the CD industry. There are a lot music download website with free that allowed people to download the music, songs and also drama and movies. People now seem like taking advantage of the technology and also the Internet. 

Thinking time!

Undoubtedly, technology had bringing much more advantage than drawbacks to our life. But do we actually use it for the good purpose? How do you think about the issues? And how do you think the problem that occur in the technologies can be solved or at least minimize?

Really thanks for your time to read this post! I understand that my interpretation may not be details and good enough but I do hope you can give your opinions! Appreciate it! 

All the best & Have a good day!


  1. ya, i agree with you, "Technology definitely help us to extend our ability "....Technology not only help us extend our ability, it also help us to improve our ability and make us become perfect.
    "Relationship is the network ",or we can said that people is tend to having relationship between network more than human being as we spend more time in the network.
    Human build the network and network improve the technology and the technology improve our life. This is just like the the food chain in the natural ecological.
    everything have it good and bad,just only see you look it in which angle.People can use it in illegal activities ,people can also use it in the legal activities like education purpose.So, they are no true and false, right or wrong , just depend on the people want to use in what way.i believe that technology have the ability to solve the problem or issues as technology throughout is created by people.People have the ability to solve the problem so as the technology.
    Good posting and let me understand the relationship between the network technology with the people.

  2. It's a nice post that you had. Especially you said that , "our life had significantly shift towards an green technology environment". In the past time everything is writing on the paper to joint down information or write a message to others, but now we can use internet to send a message or use the software that provide in our networking to joint down and mark down all the information that we want. Other than that, you said the produser, it really a good explanation that we are not only a user that using the networking, we also a producer in networking such as the example you said. I love the way you said about the whole topic. :)

  3. Technologies is always constituting the network relationship, just try look at the recent business sector compare to previous decade.Big different right? Of course is not only business sector but your family, friends, relatives and et cetera will be part of the network relationship too. Technologies has built up for us to social, to maintain the quality of the works. Anyways, clear point you have there.

  4. It's true that it made the time we sit and face the computer longer. But sometimes, even though we don't want to, we'll have to do so sin't it.

    Someone might not like to online or face the computer for that long time but in order to work, they have too. Is it the world to be blame or the advanced technology to be blame?

    And yes we can really choose what to show the others and what not to. We are branding ourselves in someway. Even though we know the person in person, we don't talk too much face to face but through Facebook or messanger. Guess the Generation X and Y now is too addicted/ rely too much on network already.

  5. A great analysis of networks Chiu yein. Its very true that at the current world, we are all surrounded by many networks around us and without we may even notice somehow or another we tend to make connections. For example as you told the facebook may be used for socializing but it is also to make networks. this shows that most of us actually are connected through a netwrok or maybe even known as the network citizen.

  6. Many company had "go green". They reduce the used of paper and replace it with computer. They store their data on softcopy form instead of hardcopy. They also share the data by emailing instead of faxing, contacting the customer by emailing them instead of writing letter. I'm totally agree that "Technology definitely help us to extend our ability." The technology can help us to send out an email to a person at the opposite side of the world in seconds or maybe less than that. With the technology and network, we can have a video conferencing with clients that are in different country.We cant do this with the network.

    Besides, I also agree that the "Relationship is the network." Like you said, we can get closer to friends through network because we might not have time to meet up in the real world to keep in touch but we will online. We can keep in touch with friends in through network.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I am totally agree with the concept of network has become the green paper nowadays!There are lots of stuff can be sent through network and store in a soft copy format. Hardcopy had became the minor format to be concern when i comes to the dealing. For example, most of the Mobile phone company such as Maxis,Digi and etc started to use only check payment rather than sending you the bill.the data is the same in softcopy and hardcopy thus it has made a release on mr.tree and gain more trustworthy on!
