Friday 12 August 2011

Why Network Matter?

Remember back then we were just using letter our tools to communicate with each others. We are usually use the letter to send out to the people that are far away from us. The letter that I keep in the box were becoming a part of my memory.

With the invention of telephone and radio, the way we connected with each other had changed. There are the voices that replace the word. People can hear each other voices and the feedback as soon as they want. They are no more waiting for letters or telegraph. 

But things change. Internet was been introduced in the 1970 had historical changed the way how people communicate with each others.

What I learn from the Manuel Castells: " Why Network Matter" is like a brain that connected the two thoughts together. People can't live without network. Network is the central where everyone meets together. But I wonder is it people that forms the network or vice versa? Is it people work within a network or network always arouse in our surrounding? 

Manuel Castells had made a statement which was "But we also know that without specific technologies some social structures could not develop. For example, the industrial society could not have emerged without electricity and the electrical engine." at the second paragraphs lines 3-6 which had illustrated the without the technology, the network are not able to form. 

I very agree with Manuel Castells's opinions that nowadays we are in the society that are which so desired of the information from the web which the technological paradigm is the dominant medium for social organization. Compare to the old ages, we use the network just for communication purpose. But now, we are working more over that purpose. We now are not only communicate but also find more entertainment and news from the network, we are not just want to communication but also for entertainment or education purpose such as this blog which is for the subject Global Network. This had shown that network had no boundaries. We can access to many information in one time in a network just within a short time.

No doubt, network had a great impact in our life. It not only construct our life but also influence on how other industries working on the business. For example in the media field, many media including main stream media had been significantly transformed to a new media in online forms such as online newspaper, online TV program, online radio. It also had changed the way we see the world, we are not just see the world from the newspaper but also from some news social network such as bloggers, twitter, and also Facebook. Network is now in the depth of our life such as orbit in our life. We can't live without network neither network live without us. Without network, we will lost track. Network will also not be formed if there are no us. So the relationship of network and us are related. Neither of the side can lost each other. We are in the network but network also in us.

This is what my some opinion to Manuel Castell's journal. Hope you can give more your ideas about what you think of this journals :) Glad to heard from you :) Have a good day! 


  1. I agree on your point that the differences between the network and the present is vastly different! The possibilities has stretched out so much and it'll only keep us thinking, "How would it be like in 10 years? 20 years? 50 years?" I think it would be an amazing thing to find out, don't you think? :)

    I like how you've put it into sentence that network is like a brain which connects a million of brain cells together. Well put!

    I agree on your answer on the question whether network forms us or we form network.

    First & foremost, I am delighted at this point, b/c it got me thinking about it! It's great that you had this insight b/c I never did think about it.

    & I agree w/ your answer that we depend on each other. We form networks but networks form us too. Network is living in us and so are we in network.

    Great insight! :D

  2. I like the example you mention in the posting.This shown that networking really change our life a lot right?Network help us to communication with the people in the global.So,i agree with what you said, we form network but network form us.Without network, we will become the frog in the shallow well (shortsightedness). Network help us a lot and we already can't separate with it as we almost use network to do everything and network had the ability to fulfill our needs.

  3. A very good piece of analysis on the journal Chiu yein. I like the way how you express the relationship between network and us. "we are network and the networks are us". we are all connected through the network but on the other point of view by connecting, we are the one that is creating the string of networks. your answer on that insight is an eye opener actually...good work.
