Saturday 20 August 2011

Open Culture and The Nature of Network

Maybe the people above in the picture may be dying because of lack of basic need such as food, water, air etc. But things changed.What may result to the people above in nowadays century may because dying but not about the lacking of basic need but lack of network ( Wanna laugh? But it's quite true.)

Still remember how many times you go for Facebook everyday? A few days ago, I have saw an interesting topic which is regarding to the 60 seconds on Internet post by Weng Loong( His blog add is: Check this out!) I think he had raise an important issues where it happen in our daily life in an unintentionally way.

In this week, I am gonna to analysis about a journal title: "Open Culture and The Nature of Network" The link:
The author for this journal is a guy named Felix Stalder. 

In the 1st sentences

       "New media are not bridges between man and nature: they are nature."
                                                                                     Marshall McLuhan, 1969

I was wondering why he will come out with this statement.As I read the following content of the journal. I found the author was giving a very good point when he describing the phenomena of society nowadays. 

He stated that nowadays everything that we use are virtual even though we are in the real life. According to my previous post which is "My Friend Called Internet", it also include the idea that Internet had monopoly our society now. We can get everything from the Internet just a click away.Every information that we want are digitized. We are now living in the information ecology. 

Nowadays, the basic element that we required are not very concern much of the basic need but rather the invisible information on a network. The connection of the information between you and the network. How people communicate with you, to keep update from your friends, to update the news etc. Everything you done now is with the network but rather to the people.

            I guess this is how the way people connecting to each other in a network, what do you think?

In this journal, Stalder had emphasizes the relation between nodes and flow. These two elements are collaborate with each other. It's build because of the existence of the element. 


I am very agree the sentences that are stated by McLuhan which are: The ‘meaning
of meaning’ is relationship. (McLuhan; Nevitt, 1972) Everything is so connected to each other even though they seem like a unrelated issues.

What is the nodes and flows? The relation between flows and nodes can be get it from the another research which is also done by Felix Stadler. The link is here! Back to the basic of the network, it's all about information. How the information is formed? It's nodes and it causes the flow of the information. Without one of the element, the information may not be formed.Information are dynamic with the presence of the nodes and the media that channel the flow.It doesn't always in the static state, it's active. 

On the other hand, there are 4 pattern basic dimension in an information ecology. That are Interdependency, Change, Time-boundness, and Differentiation.

(a) Interdependency

Did you saw spider web in the Spider man movie? Well, that's exactly how the nodes are connected to each other. They are an unique nodes but it's connected to each other and forms an shared environment.

                             Pssssssss....the spider web!

The interdependency between the nodes are so important is because the information that they are carry and connected. Even though there are no relation between two different information, but because it relates to both side of flow to each other, the information are formed just because of the the relationship of two unrelated data. 

Nodes and Flow are always exist in our network life. With the interdependency between the company, the industry just can grow rapidly. It can be described in this way in my ways of understanding which are the relationship between the retailer and the supplier. This two roles can't exist without the presence of either one. They both are depend on each other to get the supply and also the customer. 

(b) Change

From the 1st sentences which is "The flow of information does not simply connected two sides; by being connected they change."  It's mean by a+b doesn't mean it will become c, but rather become other alphabet? 

Again, the flow of information not just maintain in one way, but it can becoming another way when it connected to other information. It grew so fast and it can change instantaneously. A characteristic that is so emphasized by the electronic media nowadays. And by merging and outsources the node, the node had once the single character and now had change to the dependency between the node.  

The changes also created a new information ecology such like the nature ecology had change once one the species are extinct. The whole food chain had changed just because of one species and a new nature ecology had formed. This result are same as it goes into the information ecology nowadays. With the dependency of the nodes, the information can eventually send through the whole information environment. But the environment of the information will change depend on the dependency of the nodes and the flows of the information also will be affected. 

In the new born information ecology, change seem to be a common things. Things must be changed. Everything had changed so fast and the demand also grew differently. Take an example in the journalist industry, the accuracy of the news are importance but also the timeliness in the news. So, the newspaper had change the way present the information. Nowadays the newspaper are starting explore the online version for example The Star.

(c) Time-boundness    

As I was mentioned just now, the information won't be in the static state. It changed so much in every minutes. Information do have time span. This is because the information are changed so fast in a short period of time and it had cause the validity of the information. The time span are determined by the relation between the node and flow, and also by the purpose of action. How do you evaluate the information? Is it based on the timeliness of the information? The content? Or the relation of the information from the previous and the current? 

(d) Differentiation 

Information are different when they are highly differentiated nodes group together to respond to newly arising opportunity and dissolve once their mission has been achieved. (This sound like the movie "Mission Impossible"). The nodes are survive as long as the information that they had produced are valid. 

Differentiation is the reduction of complexity. When the two different nodes are combined, large amount of information are reduced as the inner structure of the node, in to specific information. The new information and the new connection had created are based on the interdependency of the network and flow, and also the direction of the flow are directed to.   

Guys, I am sorry cause I think I am not interpreted very well as there are some ambiguity points inside. Your comments are so appreciated in here to let me know what's your opinion towards my interpretation.Thank you guys for taking your time to read this post! 

Have a nice day! :) 


  1. Speaking of spiderweb it reminds me of IT! Remember the bus, ring etc etc's cable? Where everything is interconnected! I wonder, if one of the bridge gone will the others affected as well?

    I guess will right since in the point "change" it says a small change generates big change. Everything must be prefect in order for things to go smooth. Hard yet we're maintaining it all the time don't you think so? HAha :D

  2. Totally agree! Haiz..can you imagine if one of the connection are going out of control? I think people will just go crazy for it.

  3. Thanks for summarize the journal. Actually I am not very sure whether what I interpret is correct or not. But after view your post. I know I am on the right track. Thanks
    Well done!

  4. I like it when you mention people is going to die because lack of network. This is so true! Imagine people keep on log in log off Facebook in anytime, anywhere. Anyways, as Felix Stalder said "the meaning of meaning is relationship", it sounds quite abstract but it doesn't :) Is like what you have interpreted, everything is connected even though there is a possibility of different issues and etc..

  5. Yeah! I also want to said the people is going to die because lack of network, because now everyone is rely on the network to search and gain the knowledge, by the way, it's great. Thanks. :)

  6. Wow,people will dying because of no internet connection!! i totally agree with it.Nowadays, people tend to spend more time on network/internet more than the time they spend in the book or sleeping.So,it naturally build the relationship with the people silent and secretly.It not only provided the bad but much more on good. So, people can't live without network is very normal phenomenon in the world nowadays.
    Nice posting,psssss!!keep on in it.
