Monday 22 August 2011

Shu...! We are the master mind of cyberspace!

Well, no doubt, cyberspace had diffuse into the people's mind nowadays. Cyberspace, a new place for you to live. Cyberspace = my own imaginary world. Well this is quite true because in cyberspace, the virtual space that you can had 100% freedom of speech, you can express whatever beliefs, feeling, emotion or thoughts at here. Just to your own.

I think cyberspace is like our online diary. Don't you think so? Everything you want to say, it all appears in your blogs, tumblrs, Facebook, Myspace, or even Twitter! Everything is online.

                                  Hello, buddy!

What is appear in your mind when you feel like want to share your thoughts or feeling, Facebook status update? Twitter 140 characters to put your one day experience in 140 characters? Well, this all the cyberspace.

Very agree with Barlow's sentences: "Our identities have no bodies." Our mind had represent our identity.How you perceived a person is look through his/her Facebook profile? Or read through the blog that he/she posted? Well, it's a good things at least because this let people have the motivation or purpose to concern people. Because you wouldn't know that the strangers that walking past you at the morning is your Facebook friend. This is powerful of the cyberspace.

Unfortunately, cyberspace should have the broad view of green and wide field but now it had been build up by the obstacles such as tall building. Who is the tall building here? Government. Well, government had take charge in the cyberspace without authority which was described by Barlow. He didn't agree that government should take charge in cyberspace without the permission of the users in the cyberspace. It's offensive and also disturbing. It's like the alien coming to invade the earth. Without permission. 

Totally agree with Barlow that government should not in charge of setting up the laws and regulations in cyberspace as everyone are treated fairly in here. But from other point of view, it's possible to maintain the peacefully situation in a long term? What happen is that not much know how to use the cyberspace smartly. It's really a good space for people to express their feelings, but what's more is the emotions that they express. It may become another way of expression. It's affected the people in the cyberspace. For example: Virus. Rumors.
Even though cyberspace are the place that people are treated fairly but more than that are how the users consume the cyberspace? What's their behavior in the cyberspace? Is it bringing a negative effect in the cyberspace society? This is the questions that we should take more time to think more deeply. 

Much welcome of your critics and questions. :) Together, we choose to learn with good attitude in cyberspace. :)


  1. Hi Chiu Yein. A very easy understand post! :)

    In my opinion, I think government should set up laws and regulations. I understand people are living peacefully in Cyberspace but there are still some of the people taking the advantage of Cyberspace to do something illegal.
    So I think a little of control will be good. However, I am still believe in freedom of speech. Everyone have a right to speak.

  2. I think that freedom of speech is why people tend to join cyberspace as they didn't get the chance in the real life. Rules and regulation may apply, but perhaps with the responsibility of the users in cyberspace too. Users must use smart and responsibility.

  3. I got the same thought with Pei Jie as well. There still need some laws and regulations that apply to user as cyberspace is not totally safe. Maybe the little laws and regulations might help the user's safety and privacy. And of course I do want everyone can speak out what they think as it is a right for everyone. Yeah! You saying the good points, the responsibility of the users also must be apply in cyberspace.

  4. I agree that when peole want to express their feelings, the first thought that come in their mind is not call or texting a friend but Facebook, Twitter and Blog! This can make the relationship between humans in the real world become further. People will just communicate in the virtual world.

    I think that the governmentt should set up laws and regulation to protect the right of us in the cyberspace not just for the sake of government to control the cyberspace. We want the freedom on cyberspace but we also want our right, our privacy in cyberspace to be protected. We want a free and safe cyberspace. Anyway, human is always greedy. But whats wrong to want a peace and safe world right? =)

  5. its true what jia jing says... everybody loves to express their feelings and thoughts....whats more better with the social networking like facebook, twitter... people get get connected around with just a clicks of button... we have own freedom to express what we feel and seek attention from other people to care about us.... if we were to revert back last time... no internet, no phones..we only can express it to our close circle of friends... with can express anything to the world....and people would get know you in just a second... look at Rebecca Black.. a music video gained hall of fame in just days....

  6. Hey a nice post!Cyberspace is a big field to run on with no border and exntend.However,when something does not have limitation,people tend to have the urge to conquer it.due to the unlimited space,government tries to put on borders and restrict the nation to further explore it.

    I totally agree with you questions.The behavior of people using it might be start off with the feeling of breaking the rules. Government et up rules,and at the same time set up a competition for people to tries to break it,rebel on it and surpas the rules.
