Sunday 11 September 2011

Theft or photostate machine,,,which are you in?

I think there were many blur area between plagiarism and piracy but well they had distinction too. After I read through week 5 journal:" On the Web, plagiarism matters more than copyright piracy." I had realize that how serious was the issues and we are actually performing the acts in our life.

Well, it's very not hard to see that pirate CD in Malaysia especially Penang. I remember that stall at the road side which had gain my attraction was the pirate stalls. The stalls had been covered and is quite hidden. The tourists will go into the stalls and starts to choose what show or movie they want. There were really a lot of pirates with different show and movie. When you went inside, there had the a card that hang on the front of the table for the segmentation. Pirates always seem to be a good business. Low cost production but high payback.

This issue had been covered by BBC NEWS that authority in Malaysia had faced a big problem of piracy as 70% of piracy had been made illegally in this country. According to the articles, it had stated that there were two billion pirated music CDs are sold every year, according to figures from the recording industry and the major record labels and film studios are increasingly worried about the impact of piracy on their business.--BBC NEWS, 2002 Malaysia faces CD piracy fight.

I guess this is why piracy had been so furious in the recent 10 years in the industry especially in the music industry. As times changes, majority of people are not longer listen to CD.  Everything had shift to the internet which had been the problem for the artist and the music company but the public are taking advantage on it. 

What's your feeling if you're the artist above? Think about it. 
Looking back to the issues, piracy had become main problem that had been gain so much attention from many industries. But as the technology are getting advanced so much, there was another problem or issues that had arisen which people had ignore it for a long time which is plagiarism. Same goes to the piracy, but piracy is the infringement of the copyright while plagiarism is the failure to give credit.  

Users may not realized that they were performing this act in their life. But what we always do when we gonna use other resources, we tend to copy and paste the content but we forget to do the most important things which is the authors receives no credit. Well, in my opinions, I totally agree with the author that plagiarism may not caused a harm to the author itself but rather the reader itself. Readers are exposed to the false data and information which plagiarism presenting a misleading claims or hidden provenance. 

Looks familiar with the figure above? Watch out! You may unintentionally developed the practices of plagiarism. This is an important issues that we had to take the action especially in the academic field. It's very important for the tracing back of the scholarly articles when comes to a published work. I think that plagiarism had to be heighten in this century, especially the youngster generation. The "Cltr+C & Cltr+V" had become the fashion or a trend that most of the students followed. There was the reason why this trend had started. The shifting of information from the hard copy to the digital format. We are no longer flipping through the stack of books just to found the few sentences. Things had changed now, we are now just Google it and all the information we want were there.

At the last lecture, I had started to contact with the creative commons which is the nonprofit organization that develops, supports, and stewards legal and technical infrastructure that maximizes digital creativity, sharing, and innovation. The vision of it is to realizing the full potential of the internet—universal access to research, education, full participation in culture, and driving a new era of development, growth, and productivity which I think is really good. This had at least, promoting the importance of giving the credit to the fine work that produced so hard from the authors. You can find more here!   

In the article of John W.Snapper, he had stated the term of "fair use" for the issues of piracy. According to the Standford University Library, fair use is defined as any copying of copyrighted material done for a limited and “transformative” purpose, such as to comment upon, criticize, or parody a copyrighted work. Such uses can be done without permission from the copyright owner. This practice had been falls into these two categories which are commentary and critiques and also parody. 

Commentary and critiques, for example, a review.  Review about songs, music, movie or even books. This all can be done in the fair use in the reproduce purpose. For parody, fairly extensive use of the original work is permitted in a parody in order to “conjure up” the original. For more, you can click Standford University Library. 

Thinking time!! 

From the issues that had carried out by Snappers, it really must gain an attention from everyone which is not about crediting but also appreciate the works that had worked so hard by the authors. But, at the end, when every pieces of information can be found in the Web, will we still take our time to trace back the work and cited the author? What's more is that will we still learn how to appreciate others people work? Will we lost the ability of the acknowledgment and just do a photocopy machine? Take your time and think about it :) Have a nice day!



  1. I know what you meant there! It's like the grey session right? There are something that you can't claim back the justice by law and there are something that misuse the law.

    Indeed, the piracy in Malaysia is worse of all. But who is the one to take blame? the businessman?

    Speaking of fair use, maybe the person who creates pirated CD can practice that. Put a song just to a certain limit and if you want the full song, get it yourself! With that, maybe the owner of the song won't feel that bad at least. Well, it's almost near to impossible for them to do so thou.

  2. Thanks Jessine! I think you had pointed out a good idea that I hadn't cross my mind before. It's really important for the businessman or the music record company starts practices with the fair use with your idea which talks about the certain limit of songs. But come to my mind, there were another problem which everyone had the potential of becoming a pirate when they purchase the real one and then make a copy and sold it for their benefits? There is another area that we can't ignore is the online illegal download website. It had grow so much in this few years because of its convenient and also saving the cost from the perspective of the public. I think this is the important area that we should pay more attention to in order to come out with the solution.

  3. "The "Cltr+C & Cltr+V" had become the fashion or a trend that most of the students followed."

    First of all, hello! I think this statement is strong but very true. This is basically what our fingers hit on everyday without fail. This has become a (bad) habit but we all just don't realize it. From what we've learnt, the Internet indeed has become the platform for people to treat it like a copy machine, everything is no longer original.

    The point that when people don't give credit or we say plagiarized something will start a worrying trend that the information we get online might be inaccurate because there's no supported source to back the work up! Hence, giving credit is really important not only to yourself, the author but also to others who would be reading your work. Good point here you've revealed, Chiu Yein!

    For your thinking time, I agree that if we have to keep track and reference all the sources we've looked up to and used it in our work, is a terribly tiring process. Most people wouldn't even give a care about it. Will one maintain this tiring process? It depends on the individual themselves. Whether they have the manners and principle to do so or not.

    In certain ways, since information that we need are displayed in our face, people tend to rely heavily on it only. Thus creating the problem of copying and pasting word-by-word. This in the long run would like Google, keep people lazy and not driven or motivated to think critically.

    I admit that Google has made everything a lot more easier for me. But the back of my head, I know that this is a bad thing because it will lower my personal productivity. But like many, we know the problem, yet we don't do anything about it. This, I can say is one bad habit, I've not changed or even taken the time to look into.

    Thank you, Chiu Yein for this post on Snapper's work. It gives me a great understanding to the reading this week.

  4. Students always get information and ideas from the Internet. We tend to say we are just referencing the ideas from Internet, but we will copy unintentionally. This is why plagiarism happened.

    Just like what you said, "The shifting of information from the hard copy to the digital format." High-technologies have bring our society and make everything to digital format. This is one of the reasons that bring people to the Copycat world. To be fair, this is why we need copyright law to protect creators' original works.

  5. "But, at the end, when every pieces of information can be found in the Web, will we still take our time to trace back the work and cited the author? What's more is that will we still learn how to appreciate others people work? Will we lost the ability of the acknowledgment and just do a photocopy machine? "

    I think I abuse the CTRL+V, CRTL+X and CRTL+C button too much for anyone's good. I agree with you Chiu Yen, that "Users may not realized that they were performing this act in their life. But what we always do when we gonna use other resources, we tend to copy and paste the content but we forget to do the most important things which is the authors receives no credit." I am guilty of that. Sometimes I forget the hard work or sheer brilliance and other people's creation, and simply take it without crediting the author or source.

    With copyright, these producers will be able to protect their work and earn their rightful livelihood on their products/ideas. However, they should not completely take over and not share it at all, then you wonder - whats the reason behind the creation anyway? As long as users credit and abide by the law of copyright, I believe both ends can benefit from a long and lasting companionship.
