Wednesday 2 November 2011

Wikileaks--The transparency of Secret

Times Magazine will come out with the "Person of the Year" in every year. In 2010, with the famous trend of social networking sites, Facebook founder, Mark Elliot Zuckerberg had been selected as the "Person of the Year". But at the same time, the runner-up of the list had eventually creates a more global controversial issues which related to the secret document who is the founder of the Wikileaks organization: Julian Assange. 


Julian Assange had started his early life as hacker and had been accused by the court. You would be wonder what's the Wikileaks. This video can make you have a clear mind about how this organization works. 

Wikileaks, the online whistle blowing news generating phenomena, the biggest leaking in military document on the global news agenda. 91 thousand classified documents had been exposed to online since 2006 which the contents mainly about the military secret report and videos. In 3 April 2010, there was videos title "Collateral Murder" had been posted up to Youtube by sunshinepress which had get the views of 12,055,637. This is really shocking as the contents of the videos is about an attack at the Iraq by the American army which is been secretly keep in the American government. You can view the video here. 

Wikileaks's server 

Wikileaks had become a revolutionary force. But at the same time, it also be the most wanted organization that the American government as the organization had leaking secret documents to the public. The organization had many servers in different countries which is Iceland, the place they developed the project B which is the "Collateral Murder" video, Sweden with the secure server, Seattle,  France, Belgium and others place. Here is some of the diagrams of the Wikileaks's server places. 

The server were hidden in secret place and moreover, the server place with the computers had been surround by the auto bomb which it will automatically exploded and destroyed the computer when someone wanted to hacked into the system and get the document. The contents that they released are not only about America but also can said is globally.

          The official website of Wikileaks.

Wikileaks: "The future of Journalism?"

Wikileaks didn't works in team but works in with the mass. There are many followers that joined Wikileaks in helping to revealed more and more truth. IT Gorilla without the national place, coffee bar and study room had spread all around the world. Now we wonder where they get all those secret information from? Wikileaks had been collaborate with the mainstream media which is "The New York Times", "theguardian" from UK, and "DER SPIEGE" from German newspaper instead of posting online. 

"Information is important to the world, " said by Julian in a talk at TED Talks. Everyone had the right to know more about what's really happening and also this is one of the job that journalists should be reported. Wikileaks now are not only an organization that revealed more and more secret information. 

In my opinions, I think Wikileaks had make some awareness about the freedom on Internet. Also, Wikileaks had done the right things in revealing the truth as everyone had the right to know more about what's really going on. Wikileaks had let the peoples knows that media nowadays are not really putting their efforts in doing what they should do because mainly they are under government's control which every content had been restricted. In my point of view, I personally think that Wikileaks had give a power to the public and also the pressure to the certain organization. More importantly, it had serves a platform to the injustices event becoming fairly judged.  Wikileaks are more like a sender of the message and spread the truth to the public and let all the peoples around the world judge it.  Wikileaks gives us the freedom of speech!

To know more about Wikileaks, click the video below to know more. The lengths of the videos may be long but please take a looks on it! :)

Further reading: No secret, Julian Assange's mission for total transparency by Raffi Khatchadourian. 


  1. Anyway, a good post but I don't think it can be the future journalism as the traditional journalism will not die. For me I will prefer traditional journalism as not everyone know about wikileaks, just like me. Anyway, thanks for provide the information that telling about the wikileaks.

  2. Hi,

    The most discussed issue of year 2010 - Wikileaks. How many people can really sure how much can Wikileaks reveal especially the dark side of politics but thanks god, Wikileaks let us know the truth.

    Moreover, Wikileaks also represent the transparency of Journalism. It encourages the truth needs to be reported. However, there is always a price for telling the truth which is Assange's freedom. He has been caught! He is telling the truth to the whole world but others might think this is wrong! This issue is so controversial and debatable.

  3. Well, it's true that traditional media wouldn't die but I think there will such a big hit to the traditional media by Wikileaks.

    Agree with you, Xin Yee, that everything had the price for it. Well, I think that people are think more about themselves rather than think for others. That's just so sad but is a truth. So Wikileaks had eventually revealed not only the truth but also the human's selfishness.

  4. In my opinion, wikileaks might serve as a warning to the government to start on solving problem rather than creating problem and let wikileaks has something to publish. IT act as the salk to the dishes and make sure that both parties are aware of the incident.Citizen might find the real story behind the country and government would know the citizen reaction and provide a better solution.
